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PCAC Statement – Sept 24, 2007 – New Service B83, B61, B77

Statement of PCAC Executive Director William Henderson on bus service expansions to serve major retail facilities
MTA Board New York City Transit Committee
September 24, 2007

I am speaking to commend New York City Transit for providing new service to several large retail facilities throughout the City. In today’s information item agenda are staff summaries of two service improvements that will greatly benefit transit riders and encourage additional shoppers to use public transportation in off peak hours. The extension of B83 service to the Gateway Center Mall and the B61 and B77 routes to the new Ikea in Red Hook, in cooperation with the businesses served, are truly win-win propositions and wise investments of modest amounts of additional operating funds. When we consider these two actions in concert with this summer’s extension of Q54 service to the Atlas Park
Mall, I think we can call this a trend. We would like to encourage President Roberts and his staff to continue this trend and to seek out further opportunities to meet emerging service demands. On behalf of riders, I thank them for their efforts to date.